About Me

Interested in: Advertising, Branding, Print, Graphic Design, Moving Image.

Smile London :)

I found this on the CR blog. It is a new campaign which will be running for two weeks from January 17, 2011. The idea behind it is to show case noncommercial art and illustration on the digital boards in underground stations. This has a dual purpose. Firstly to cheer up commuters and secondly to advertise up and coming artists including advertising the current art exhibitions and previews.

"This is a hugely exciting project for us," says Jo Kotas, co-founder of Smile for London. "We want to celebrate the creative talents of our city and at the same time lift the spirits of London's commuters. The project has already captured the imagination of some very talented and respected individuals. We hope to extend this support to the whole of London as the campaign grows so it becomes a permanent London fixture."

I think it's a great way to get art across to the everyday person. I know that if I was waiting for the tube I would certainly be watching the videos to past the time and it would be lovely if one could give me a smile on my face, especially when I'm surrounded by the miserable grey atmosphere and getting pushed and shoved all over the past during a busy rush hour.

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