About Me

Interested in: Advertising, Branding, Print, Graphic Design, Moving Image.

Free fall

I found this by chance and I'm not quite sure what it was made for. I know it is an artistic project but I'm stil trying to find out who or why for. The video shows world champion freediver Guillaume Nery's special dive at Dean's Blue Hole, the deepest blue hole in the world filmed entirely on breath hold by the french champion Julie Gautier.

The music fits perfectly with the imagery. The act of free falling in an ocean is a twisted concept, my fascination with water has never let me think of such a thing. I've always found comfort in being in the waer as there is no danger of falling, unlike heights, which quite frankly is not my strong point.

The art direction flows brilliantly. I would definately change the opening titles, i think they are weak in relation to the actual piece.

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