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Interested in: Advertising, Branding, Print, Graphic Design, Moving Image.

Making school more interesting

A very cool school in NY has just been graffitied. If only my school was so down with the kids!

The 80 foot mural was created by brazilian artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo (also known as 'Os Gemeos') and graffiti legend Futura. The project was driven by New York-based creative studio AKANYC and street art website 12ozProphet with support from Nike (tying in with its World Basketball Festival) and paint company MTN Colors.

The overall theme, is a message of international unity. Os Gemeos says, "We are using different flags painted with non-traditional colours. The idea is 'one world one voice', no borders, no separation, just everything and everyone working together for a single cause that is a better world."

The mural is definately eye catching and colourful, erfect for children and adults to look at. The bright colours make the piece of art friendly and using the trousers to represent all of the different nationalities is really effective. It's pure art, no offenses, no words, purely visual for everyone to enjoy.

All images courtesy AKANYC

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