About Me

Interested in: Advertising, Branding, Print, Graphic Design, Moving Image.

Tiny Treasures by Dalton Ghetti

The incredibe Brazilian artist has been carving graphite pencils since an extremely young age. His sculptures are brilliantly detailed.

He uses a razor blade, sewing needle and a sculpting knife to create his amazing pieces of art. The first piece which caught my eye and made me interested in his work was his alphabet pencils:

 His elvis sculpture in a single pencil is impressive

Dalton has made about 100 carvings, and is currently working on an epic piece inspired by the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. He said: "I decided to make a teardrop pencil carving for each of the people who died in the attack, about 3,000. Since 2002 I have carved one every day, it takes me under an hour. When I'm done they will form one big tear drop. It will take me about 10 years but it will be worth it" 

These pictures were taken from the guardin blog: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/7916457/Pencil-sculptures-miniature-masterpieces-carved-into-graphite-by-Dalton-Ghetti.html

His work has reminded me that design and art is all about detail and the level of detail is wht determinds great design from good design.
He doesn't get paid for this work, he does it purely for passion and he gives all of his pieces to friends and family. I find him to be a truely inspiring artist in more ways than one.

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